Courses Taught 2020-2021
Suomen YrittäjätOrganisation: Suomen Yrittäjät is the Federation of Finnish Enterprises with more than 115,000 businesses as members. They provide all kinds of services to their membership, training being one of them.
Audience: Business owner members Training: Using Customer Experience to Improve Your Business @ Business Unplugged Conference Business Development Using Service Design Part of a training series |
Aalto Startup Center
Organisation: Aalto Startup Center is a hybrid accelerator participating and leading international incubator and accelerator programs. In 2020 they housed over 40 companies.
Audience: In-house startups Training: Introduction to Service Design - This lesson was an overview of service design from the perspective of a startup. Since it was open to anyone to join within their network, it was advertised like this: "Intro to Service Design" covers 4 main ideas: What is Service Design?, Who uses Service Design?, Why use Service Design?, and Startups & Service Design. Come along if you want to know more about how service design can help you! Trying on Business Models - This lesson was also open to anyone in the network and it was advertised like this: "Trying on Business Models" looks at the business model fit and shows you how to "try on" business models in a hands-on approach to see what might work for your startup. These Intros were written by me for Aalto Startup Center to use to advertise the lessons. |
The ShortcutOrganisation: The Shortcut is the largest talent accelerator in the Nordics. They equip people with the skills and networks they need to drive growth and innovation, and to kick-start their entry into the Finnish startup world.
Audience: Educated immigrants who are interested in the Startup world Training: The Entrepreneurial Approach & the Shitty First Draft - In this workshop, the learning outcome that I set was for the students to understand the idea of the Entrepreneurial Approach and how it is not just for entrepreneurs. I also set a learning outcome about understanding the concept of the Shitty first draft. Which in essence is that idea that you don't need something perfect to start working on it or to present it to the world. Idea Validation & Interviewing Skills - In this workshop, the learning outcomes were to get people familiar with the concept of idea validation- why they would do it, why it is important, and how they can start to do it. The second learning outcome was about how to use interview specifically to start idea validation. I gave them the outline of how to construct their own interview guide so that they can perform this in the future if needed. Business Model Canvas & Business Models - In the workshop, the learning outcomes are to 1) become familiar with the Business Model Canvas and why, when and how the students might use it in their work and 2) to understand how it can help teams work better together and 3) to learn about how business model innovation works. They also learned about the Business Model Pattern Innovation Cards. |
Other Teaching Projects
During this past year I have been involved in a few projects alongside typical teaching practices. These are presented below...
3AMK 10 Days 100 Challenges ProjectOrganisation: Metropolia UAS, LAUREA UAS, Haaga-Helia UAS
I have worked on this “10 Days 100 Challenges” 3AMK project employing Learning Design and Service Design methods. The original concept launched in 2018 and is a two week design sprint in tight collaboration with companies and awarding 5cr when all the work is completed. I was able to help them 2 years ago to create the original face-to-face event concept book, a document on how to produce this event. Now they want to re-design the event to deliver it in a digital environment. Due to the Coronavirus, this event was not run in 2020. Delivering it digitally does not mean that it will just be an exact replica of the previous event online. This project required many interviews about past, current, and future needs of the event in a digital form with different stakeholders of this event and events like it. First and foremost, my goal was to make this an enjoyable experience for the students and included all the learning outcomes required. I identified 14 aspects of this course that need to have special attention and need to be designed very carefully. Keeping in mind that this is an intensive multi-day, multi-group event. There were 3 areas which my research told me would be best to focus on: 1)the length of the event - I identified the content that could be taken out of the actual event and created as a stand along course that the students could take prior to coming to the event. This way the actual time that needed to be on the computer at a set time was reduced from 10 days to 7 days. 2) The kind of companies the projects came from - I suggested that they move away from big, listed Finnish companies and orient themselves to more agile, growth startup companies (as part of the event is to introduce talent to the companies for potential future employment but big, listed Finnish companies rarely hire international talent because of their lack of Finnish language skills). 3) Focus on social engagement - the face-to-face event had definite points at which social engagement could happen, but the digital environments do not. Meals are not shared, there are no coffee breaks to chat informally with others, etc. |
MOOC in Entrepreneurial LeadershipOrganisation: Haaga-Helia UAS Startup School
This project is to create a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for Haaga-Helia’s StartUp School based on Entrepreneurial Leadership. I am not the only person involved in this but I have been contracted by the StartUp School to first create a MOOC platform benchmark and a content benchmark. The first benchmark had me assessing different platforms capable of hosting a MOOC. The platform benchmark was based on 11 main criteria:
Course Creation: Service Design for University AdministratorsOrganisation: Discover Design Do (own company)
This course is one that I have been creating on my own (and will be sold via my own company) on a public platform that I have purchased a subscription. It is not one of the platforms that I reviewed in the MOOC project. I have been working on this project for almost 2 years with another former university administrator from the UK. Unfortunately the project has been delayed mostly because of Coronavirus. We were due to meet up in Helsinki in April 2020 to film the lessons. This, of course, has not happened. And we delayed because we thought that it might pass but, again, this has not been the case. So now we are creating different options. The content and workbook are written, now we just need to record and create the interactions. Content-wise, the course has 6 Modules and 22 Lessons:
The main audience is one that works in any institutional service: Library Services, Career Services, Event Services, Registry, Student Services, Alumni Relations, Health and Well-being Services, Admissions, Orientation, Housing Services, Arrival Services, Study Abroad, IT. International, Sports, etc. |